About Us

Welcome to Travel Fodder! We're glad you're here!

About Us
Left: Laura L. Right: Brendan O.

Hi, welcome to Travel Fodder!

We're excited to have you here and share in our adventures and stories. Our goal with Travel Fodder is to create a newsletter which helps you connect more deeply with what it can mean to travel and to inspire your own journey into the world.

What do we write about?

In our newsletter, each month (perhaps weekly as we grow) we bring together history, art, poetry, music, and literature to explore how each has influenced and been influenced by travel.

From the ancient Egyptians as they toured the Oracle of Delphi in Greece to the freedom of the open road in films like Thelma and Louise (1991), travel and exploration has shaped all of human culture and will continue to do so. All of this can also shape how you travel and explore the world, and we hope it does!

In our travelog, we write practical guides for places we've been, general travel advice, and anecdotes from our time on the road (or off the road more often than not).

Who are we?

Travelling, exploring, adventuring, wandering — what ever your style of travel is — are each very much personal experiences.  We want to share our experiences with you and, hopefully, show you some places you’ve never seen before! From the steppes of Tajikistan with Brendan or the rustic villages of northern Spain with Laura, we hope you stay and join us on our journey.

Laura Leffingwell - Travel Fodder
A premium travel newsletter, guides, and community for those who love to enjoy the world and all it has to offer.
Learn more about Laura and read her posts.
Brendan O’Brien - Travel Fodder
It’s hard to imagine where I’d be in the world if I didn’t travel. I think it’s one of the most important things a person can do in life.
Learn more about Brendan and read his posts.